Directed and Produced by British Lion’s legendary Sidney Gilliat and Frank Launder, this classic comedy caper stars Frankie Howerd, Dora Bryan, George Cole Reg Varney, Raymond Huntley and Richard Wattis. Cartoonist Ronald Searle's delightfully diabolical private-school girls are back in action in The Great St.Trinian's Bank Robbery. The all-girl school foils an attempt by hapless train robbers to recover two and a half million pounds hidden in their school. Frankie Howerd plays the head of the gang who had cleverly hidden the loot from their biggest haul in a deserted old mansion. The gang waits the traditional seven years for the statute of limitations to run out then returns to the mansion to dig up their booty. Unfortunately, the joint has been converted into the new site for the notoriously dressed pupils of St.Trinian's School for Girls. Even more unfortunately the girls are all holy terrors. The film's climax occurs during a riotous Parents' Day ceremony, which predictably turns into a wild train chase and the now immortal cry of jolly hockey sticks, girls.
The Great St Trinians Train Robbery (1966)
